What’s new in RAD Studio 10.4.2 Sydney – Launch Webinar Replay with Q&A

This is a replay of the RAD Studio, C++Builder, and Delphi 10.4.2 Sydney launch webinar from Wednesday, the 24th of February, 2021. The webinar is presented by Sarina DuPont, Marco Cantu, David Millington, and Jim McKeeth of Embarcadero Technologies, with Stephen Ball, Malcolm Groves, and Nirav Kaku helping with Q&A.

The main webinar goes until 44:07​, with the Q&A taking up the rest.




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#Delphi​ #1042Sydney​ #RADStudio​ #CppBuilder

Published by embarcaderotec

Embarcadero Technologies Inc., empowers application developers and database professionals with database tools to design, build, and run software applications in the environment they choose. A community of more than three million worldwide and 90 of the Fortune 100 rely on Embarcadero CodeGear™ and DatabaseGear™ product lines to increase productivity, openly collaborate, and be free to innovate. Founded in 1993, Embarcadero is headquartered in Austin, Texas, with offices located around the world.

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