What is Desktop Native or Web on Windows – Preview

A native application is a software program that is developed for use on a particular platform or device. Because a native app is built for use on a particular device and its OS, it has the ability to use device-specific hardware and software

This is a preview of Marco Cantu’s session from the Desktop First UX Summit https://summit.desktopfirst.com/talks/desktop-native-or-web-on-windows/

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API platform APIS I also have a feeling that there is some lack of knowledge around the native tooling that has existed. The idea that they are going to be more complex more and more difficult to use while in most cases I have a strong impression that the opposite isfull.

Published by embarcaderotec

Embarcadero Technologies Inc., empowers application developers and database professionals with database tools to design, build, and run software applications in the environment they choose. A community of more than three million worldwide and 90 of the Fortune 100 rely on Embarcadero CodeGear™ and DatabaseGear™ product lines to increase productivity, openly collaborate, and be free to innovate. Founded in 1993, Embarcadero is headquartered in Austin, Texas, with offices located around the world.

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